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Mrs. Blake!!
What is Adam doing now??
Leigh Kissinger with Eeyore.
Shawn Poore and Shawn Kennedy
Jillian Johnson
Miss E. don't worry we didn't know either!!
Band People
Adam Wagner and Shawn Poore
Can Sleep
Jodie Wilson and Tommy Hunt
Clinton Coleman
Jodie Wilson and David Thornsbury
Bus Rides were always fun!
Band people also love to eat!!!
It wasn't a trip to McDonalds unless half the band went to play land!
Harriet Blake
David Thornsbury and Justina Mullins
Nina Blankenship and Adam Church
Mrs. Blake we were sharing the same feelings!
Adam Wagner Hillbilly Day was always a favorite during Homecoming Week!!
Rayetta Church!!
Band Moms and Dads!!
Mrs. Blake!!
Jodie Wilson!!
Band Rehearsal!!
Band Rehearsal!!
Miss E.!!
Burt Hunt!!
Kristy Kennedy and Jillian Johnson!!
Mrs. Blake!!
Kristy Kennedy, Leigh Kissinger, and Jillian Johnson!!
Miss E.!!